Meet Spring Concert Opener Reette Thorns
Photos from the GVSU Promotions Office
March 28, 2024
Meet Reette Thorns, the multi-talented 2024 winner of GV's Got Talent! She won the judge’s hearts with her original song and talented voice. Reette also throws shot put on the track & field team, has starred in several GVSU theatre productions, and competed on American Idol in 2023! A fan of country music herself, Reette is sure to get your feet moving before Lauren Alaina rocks the house.

Reette Thorns on winning GV's Got Talent and opening for Lauren Alaina:
After hearing my name being called for 1st place, I just felt an immense amount of pressure lifted off my shoulders. Transitioning into an artist who doesn't just sing to tracks, but makes music.. with an instrument, has been a difficult year. Developing into who you want to be as an artist and vocalist is so much more than just doing karaoke to tracks. It felt like people appreciated my music, my voice, and my honesty. That was a relief.
Lauren Alaina was a huge inspiration for me in high school. She had released "Road Less Traveled" and I just had begun my love for country music, but women in country music especially because there's a huge ratio in there and it was so refreshing to feel like there was a spot for women in the music industry everywhere. I think it's even more interesting that we have both been on American Idol and were denied many times before getting on the show. I am so glad that there's an example of not giving up no matter what. As long as you say yes, you don't need it from anyone else.
I am so excited for this opportunity and I cannot wait for people to hear some of my other music and songs I love to perform. the sky is not the limit!