What is the Anchor Student Code of Conduct?

By Bella Gielniak

Grand Valley wants to help you become a prepared, well-rounded individual, which is why GVSU has a student code called The Anchor

What is The Anchor

The Anchor is Grand Valley’s code of student rights and responsibilities. The anchor protects the interests of the community and challenges  behavior that falls outside of these values and our policies. The Anchor’s 11 sections cover all university conduct policies including student expectations, endangerment, amnesty for Alcohol or Drug Violations, and more.  

What does The Anchor say about AI?

Artificial intelligence is growing and improving rapidly, and it does have legitimate application in some courses if the instructor authorizes its use in the syllabus. AI can be an amazing and useful tool when used appropriately. 

However, The Anchor states that attempting to use materials, information, or aids that have not been authorized by the instructor for academic work is not permitted. Using AI to complete assignments without permission from your professor is likely in violation of The Anchor. The rules vary from class to class, so be sure to always review the syllabus and talk to your professor if you have questions. 

Who manages The Anchor?

The Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution (OSCCR) manages The Anchor. OSCCR manages academic misconduct and other violations of The Anchor and works to ensure that every student can succeed at GVSU. 

Cases of academic misconduct can result in course penalties like grade reductions and failure of assignments. They can also result in restorative outcomes like attending workshops about academic misconduct or to write reflective papers.

Both OSCCR and The Anchor are here to provide you with the resources you need to succeed at Grand Valley. If you have more questions about The Anchor or using AI on academic assignments (especially on writing assignments) visit OSCCR today.