How to Be a Leader: Student Leadership Opportunities at GVSU

By Joi Mays

Are you looking to become a leader in your professional life? Look no further than these opportunities to develop your leadership skills as a student:

Join the E-Board of a student organization

Student orgs are the easiest ways to not just boost your resume but enhance those leadership qualities. Depending on each org, elections are held every year or semester. Orgs sometimes have specific qualifications, but it never hurts to stick your foot in the door if it’s something you are passionate about. If you’re looking for an org to join, visit LakerLink or start your own student organization.

Get Ready to Set S.A.I.L

An all new leadership opportunity from The Office of Student Life is here! Introducing, S.A.I.L: Students Aspiring In Leadership. This series of events will help you develop your leadership toolbox through the month of March, all leading up to the Leadership Summit. Come to one event, or all of them to meet people, network, and grow your skills!

Check out the Leadership Summit 

It’s back! The GVSU Leadership Summit has returned since its hiatus in 2020 and is happening on April 5th! This on-campus conference is dedicated to exposing opportunities for student growth. Registration is open now for all students, so don’t miss your chance to snag a seat! 

Attend events from the Student Organization Success Program 

If you are a part of the e-board of a student organization, and you’re looking for a way to enhance your leadership qualities, this program is perfect for you! The Student Organization Success Program is a reward program designed to help student organizations reach their full potential through workshops and meeting with student org success coaches. 

Participate in the Cook Leadership Academy 

The Peter C. Cook Leadership Academy is a program dedicated to bringing together a diverse cohort of undergraduate and graduate students to learn more about leadership excellence. From attending wheelhouse talks with various established professionals to networking with professionals in local communities, there are many opportunities that being a Cook Leadership scholar can grant you! Applications are open now through Friday, Feb. 23. 

Apply to be a Resident Assistant

Loving your on-campus community? Look into becoming a Resident Assistant! Being an RA can help develop many important leadership skills: conflict mediation, program facilitation,  for residents. If you are interested in being a part of a team of eager leaders and learners plan to apply for the RA position next fall or talk to an RA or Living Center Director to stay updated on applications.

There are many ways to learn how to be a leader at GVSU, from these opportunities to the University Counseling Center Peer Education program, to Queer Connections, and much more! Find an opportunity that fits you and flourish! 

 Get leading, Lakers!