Tips for Studying Abroad

By Bella Gielniak

Studying abroad is truly the experience of a lifetime! From a few weeks to a whole year, having the chance to spend time immersed in a new culture can be one of the best ways to learn about the world. However, studying abroad brings changes that you may not be prepared for. Whether you’ve briefly thought about it or you already have your trip planned, we have some tips to help you on your journey!

Experience Everything

When immersing yourself in a new country, experiencing everything you can is one of the best things you can do. Senior, Madison McKiernan encourages other students to travel as much as they can when abroad. She adds, “You never know when you will be in that place again so take advantage of it and explore as much of it as you can.”

Accept the Lows with the Highs

While there is endless excitement that comes with studying abroad, there may also be some low moments too, and that’s okay! Culture shock is real and can sometimes leave you feeling homesick. Don’t stress yourself out, every trip has its highs and lows no matter where you go. Madison shares that during her study abroad in the Netherlands, “biking to class 4 miles uphill in the rain most weekdays became a lot less fun,” but it was nice to try something new.

Engage with People

Get to know people in the country you visit! Whether it’s a new co-worker, classmate, colleague, or neighbor, getting to know the people around you can open you up to new opportunities and allow you to fully dive into the culture. When studying geology in Iceland, junior Garrett Brown found that his favorite part of the trip was having time to engage with the culture and people of Iceland. We visited the public pools and ‘attempted’ to sit in the cold pools with the Icelanders.”

Keep an Open Mind

Keeping an open mind about the experience is a top priority when studying abroad. Garrett says that when he was in Iceland, every breakfast was skyr and oatmeal with a side of bread and cucumber. This breakfast of champions was eye-opening to Garrett, and he actually came to like it. 

Enjoy Every Moment

Preparing for your study abroad can sometimes be stressful. Between getting your passport and attending pre-departure meetings, anxieties can rise. However, once you arrive in your new country, take a deep breath and just be. When studying grammar and history in Spain, sophomore Hunter Brandt found the best moments came when he was just enjoying the memories he was making. He advises, “do your best to leave home at home and just enjoy the experience.”

Ready to plan your trip? Attend the Fall 2023 Study Abroad Fair on Oct. 17 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Kirkhof Grand River Room to learn about the dozens of programs the Padnos Study Abroad Center has to offer. 

If you can’t make it to the study abroad fair, the Padnos Study Abroad Center has study abroad advising, weekly first step meetings, and other resources to help you begin your abroad experience. 

Start your journey today!